15 NovListen to My Heart?

“Follow your heart.”  “What does your heart say to you?”  These and other familiar sayings resonate the truth that life was meant to be lived from the inside out–or, by heart.  However, it’s not just any heart that will serve you justice in this quest for living on a higher level.  In fact, the only heart that is reliable enough to be counted on is the heart that is filled with the Word of God.   Outside of these parameters, your heart can be counted on to lead you down a path that seems right, only to find the end thereof is death–or separation from God and His best (Proverbs 14:12).  And if you’re like me, that’s simply not an option any longer.

If ever there was anyone who knew how to successfully live above the fray and distractions and pulls of the outside world, it was Jesus.  And this is what He had to say on the matter:

“The good man from his inner good treasure flings forth good things, and the evil man out of his inner evil storehouse flings forth evil things.” (Matthew 12:35, AMP.)

A treasure is something that is stored up, akin to a valuable treasure chest that pirates seek out for their riches.  So when your heart stores up good things (i.e. the Word of God), then you’re in a position to fling forth good things from that storehouse and into your life!  You’re able to safely listen to and trust–and therefore live by–your heart.  And the reverse is equally true where negative, ungodly things, that are contrary to God’s Word, are allowed to be stored up in your heart.

Proverbs 4:23 admonishes to guard your heart with ALL diligence because out of it flows the issues of life (good or bad).  So before you determine to follow your heart, do a check-up to make sure your treasure chest is filled with the goodness of God’s Word.  From there, living by heart will be the best thing you ever did.

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