25 MayKeep Your Dreams In Sight

Keeping up with God and all He has called you to can be a daunting–although exciting–quest at times.  Managing the multiple responsibilities of daily life can often take the focus away from the dreams still yet to be realized.  And that’s what we have to remember to guard against as we go along life’s path.  The God-given dreams that still remain in dream land have an ultimate destiny to become reality.  That is if we don’t lose sight of them and the necessary focus required to realize them.

As with everything, the Word of God offers counsel on how to keep our dreams front and center and ready for manifestation.  A major key is found in Habakkuk 2, where we are instructed to write the vision and make it plain (v. 2).  But God didn’t stop there.  He also told Habakkuk why he should do this:  “that he may run that readeth it”. 

Write down your dreams, prayers, desires and whatever it is you are trusting God to bring to pass in your life!  For sure, by writing them down, they’ll remain easily referenceable and  ‘top of mind’ for you to reflect upon, plan and pursue, as you stay committed to seeing them through to fruition.  And somehow, for me at least, they become more tangible once they’re inked.  It’s cathartic–at the very least–and gives us the necessary focus and momentum–at best–to see our dreams come to pass.

God is the Dream Giver and the Dream Fulfiller.  Follow His advice and write down your dreams.  In this way, you won’t lose sight of the greatness still to come in your life.

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