Know Your Enemy
"The thief comes only in order to steal and
kill and destroy. I came that they may have
and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to
the full, till it overflows)" (John 10:10, AMP).
Have you ever heard someone say, "How could a loving God let something like this happen?", after a devastating event or tragic occurrence? Or perhaps you've wondered or said the same thing yourself. If so, I have one charge for you today:
know your enemy. By failing to know your enemy and his methods of operation, you open yourself to his continual attacks and destruction--without the benefit of God's covering and protection--because at the heart of it all, you believe that God is the source of your problem.
The Scripture, however, makes it very clear who the author of all evil workings really is. He is a thief, and his name is Satan. There is a clear dividing line between his nature and the nature of God, as revealed in John 10:10. It is the line of demarcation for the source of all good and evil. The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. So if you or someone you know has experienced loss, destruction, or the death of things precious to your life, then look no further than Satan, himself. God's nature is all light, all good, all peace, all love, so He could never (nor would He) produce anything contrary to His nature. He isn't tempted with evil, nor does He tempt us with it. Instead, His constant desire for you is that you have and enjoy an abundant life!
Now the devil would have you stay ignorant of this truth. Why? Because as long as you somehow believe that it is God who made you sick or it was God who took your loved one or it was God who sent a destructive hurricance, then you'll never have the faith and confidence to rise up and take authority over those tragic circumstances and the devil's workings in your life. If you think the source of your problems is God, then how can God deliver you? Satan understands this, so he sends lying thoughts to your mind to convince you that because "God is in control", He allowed those horrible things to happen to you.
But don't believe the lie. Instead, awaken to the truth today, once and for all. You have an enemy. He wants to kill, steal and destroy your life. But, if you know who your real enemy is, then you can exercise your authority over him and bind him from your affairs in every area of your life (Luke 10:19, Matthew 18:18). You can rise up in faith and solicit help from your loving God to overcome the attacks of the enemy. And you can go free--forever!