The Worth of Worship |
When most people think of worship they limit it to the mellow song or two that is sang in praise to God. And while that is a part of worship, worship entails so much more. As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, worship is the essence of our relationship with God. True worship goes beyond just singing and praising the Lord and extends to every aspect of our lives. With the world getting darker and more perverse by the moment, God is truly seeking those people who dedicate themselves to Him fully and worship Him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:23, 24.) He is looking to make an even greater distinction between the lives of the true worshippers and those who refuse to honor Him as God. Why does God want to do this? 2 Chronicles 16:9 says that God is seeking out that person whose heart is perfect or dedicated to Him, SO THAT He can show Himself strong in their behalf. In other words, God is looking for true worshippers so that He can bless them! As a worshipper of God, your end is a world of blessing. A place, indeed, where you will discover the great worth of worship. An Upclose Look In order to ensure that we are making the connection with God as true worshippers, let's take a closer look at what worship really is. Worshipping God requires a heart and life of humility. It represents a bowing down, kneeling down and obeisance to God in reverence to Him, as you would do in homage to someone, signifying that God is supreme in your life. However, it doesn't stop there. True worship engages every aspect of yourself and your life--spirit, soul, and body. It literally represents bringing one's total self and all one has to God and before God. As I pointed out earlier, worship is much more than just singing and praising, although that is an important aspect of worship. To be sure, the worship that God is looking for according to John 4 is the worship in which you give all you are to Him, so that He in return can give all He is to you. Our sincere worship of God invites Him into every aspect of our lives—our thoughts, our hearts, our words, our money and possessions, our relationships, indeed our very selves. That is the spirit of our worship towards God. But God wants even more. He wants worship in spirit and in truth. And so by its very nature, worship requires that we become intimately acquainted with God through His written Word. According to John 17:17, God's Word is truth, so our worship can only be complete as we faithfully and humbly approach God's Word and then follow through with the necessary obedience. Once you combine the heart devotion and humility with the practice of consistent obedience to the Word, you have entered into the ranks of the true worshippers. And for such, the Father seeks after. In the Spotlight One of the benefits of worshipping the Lord is that worship puts the spotlight on you! To be clear, worship causes God to pay attention to you and to your needs. A true worshipper will never go unnoticed by God.
In this passage of Scripture, we see a woman who by Jewish law had no right to the healing power of God. Yet, she put aside everything to get Jesus to focus on her and her urgent need. She put aside the temptation to be offended at Jesus and the disciples when they ignored her initial plea. She put aside whether or not he had the right pedigree, as a Canaanite, to merit this blessing. And she worshipped. She worshipped! In her dire strait, she brought her total self to God and before God and trusted in His goodness and unfailing love. She understood the worth of worship. And because of her sincere and heartfelt worship, Jesus turned His attention to her in order to give her what she needed. Similarly, as we learn to put everything else aside and develop in the lifestyle of worshipping the Lord with all we have and all we are, His focus will remain on us and our needs will be fulfilled. Answers Awaiting Another great benefit of worshipping God is that it causes wisdom to enter your life and circumstances. Wisdom is necessary for life. In fact, wisdom enables you to know what to do when, in and of yourself, you don't know what to do. Worship opens the door to this wisdom in your life.
In the face of impending doom and disaster, the people of God didn't begin murmuring and complaining about how bad things were. They didn't waste time trying to figure out the answer for themselves. Instead, they sought the Lord; they went after him in prayer and fasting-and worship! They understood the worth of worship. And so even though they started off in a place of uncertainty and ignorance about how to deal with their enemies, they ended up with the answers they needed. And those answers brought them victory over their enemies! The place of victory is the place of worship. The place of light is the place of worship. We must be willing to throw ourselves and our lives over on God so that He can direct our paths through His wisdom and counsel and thereby lead us to our places of victory in Him. Blessings to Go Obedience is the highest form of worship. And when we obey the Lord, regardless of what He requires from us, we are sure to walk away with the blessings of God. Perhaps no one can attest to this more than Abraham, our father of faith. It was this same Abraham to which God promised a son long after he and his wife had passed the age of child bearing. In God's faithfulness, He did give Abraham his promised son, Isaac. And now, God was making a request for Abraham's most precious treasure, that son.
In what had to be one of the hardest tests of Abraham's life, he responded in obedience to the Lord. He put all that he was and all that he had (Isaac) before the Lord to do as He would. But Abraham's bold obedience to God did not go unnoticed or unrewarded. Even as he was about to slay his only son, the angel of the Lord spoke to him and declared:
In that moment, Abraham's heart was totally opened before the Lord and through his act of obedience, the Lord saw that He was priority in Abraham's life above everything and everyone else. He saw the heart of a worshipper. And because of that, Abraham walked away with the blessing of his beloved son and the blessing of multiplication! God promised to multiply his beloved son into many sons! He also promised that his seed would be victorious and that through his seed all nations of the earth would be blessed. And it was all because he obeyed the voice of the Lord. He understood that even in a hard situation there is great worth in worship. Like Abraham, you, too, can walk away with the blessings of God as you commit to honoring Him with your worship. Allow your life to become one that God can look upon in Fatherly pride and say of you, "now I know that I have found the true worshipper that I've been seeking...and because of that I will bless you and multiply you." That's the honor reserved for those who understand the worth of worship.
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