Dream Big |
The beginning of a new year is usually characterized by resolutions, vows, and goals to be obtained. In light of that fact, I want to encourage you to take off the limits and dream big, as you chart your course for 1999. There is no dream that you can dream, no goal that you can aspire to, no desire that you can conceive in your heart and mind that is too big for God. After all, He is Almighty God, the God Who is more than enough, the many breasted one, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. Many people think that they are pleasing God when they say things like: "I don't need a lot, just enough to get by", or "As long as my needs are met, I'll be okay, Lord...I don't need anything extra." These kinds of statements do not please or glorify God, but to the contrary, they greatly displease and grieve the heart of the Father. Why? Because God paid a BIG price for you and I to have and enjoy abundant life and all that it contains-- that price was Jesus, His only begotten Son. So before you go any further, get rid of the idea that God is impressed with your "little requests", "little dreams", and "little goals" and step up to the table of God's provision and blessing as a son and daughter of the Most High God. Now that we've gotten that cleared up, I'll let you in on a little secret: whatever you can ask, think or imagine, God can top it! Whatever dreams, desires, goals or prayers that you may have, God can give you that and much, much more! "Now to Him Who is able to do superabundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams] - To Him be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever. Amen." Ephesians 3: 20, 21 (Amplified Version) Hallelujah!!! Do you see the heart of God towards you? Do you see His intensity about blessing you? I challenge you to begin meditating on this Scripture daily and saying aloud "My God is able to do superabundantly far over and above ALL that I could even dare to ask or think". Then follow it up by asking BIG, thinking BIG, dreaming BIG, desiring BIG, praying BIG, and hoping BIG. And don't worry, you won't be able to out do God; you won't stump Him. Take the limits off of your life and dreams today and begin to expect God to do more than what you asked or thought. By giving you more, God is wanting to meet your every need, as well as allow you to have some left over to go and meet someone else's need. Everything with God is always about being a blessing; that's why He doesn't like it when we ask for only enough for ourselves. We are His body in the earth, and He wants to use us (as His hands, feet, and mouth) to reach out to a lost, hurt and dying world and show them Jesus. Make 1999 a year when great things come to pass in your life; after all we serve a BIG God, and He can handle it! |
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