08 Oct‘Being’ Is Greater Than ‘Doing’

Can you recall at time when you entered a room of relative strangers, only to be greeted with the question of, “so, what do you do?” I’d venture to guess the answer is yes. We all can.  And we’ve all likely been the one asking that question at some time or another.  But there’s a better, much better, in fact, question to be asked–and paradigm shift to be made.


“So, how are you?”  

Don’t you instantly feel more connected, seen, appreciated and valued when asked about how you are and who you are versus what you do?  One reason might be because we are Human Beings, not Human Doings.  And simply put, your ‘who’ is greater than your ‘do’.

Being is Greater Than Doing.

Let’s flip the script going forward and embrace another facet of intentional living that places the proper priority on being versus doing.  On being our authentic selves.  On being who God has called us to be.  On being still. Or happy. Or in the moment. And as you become more in tune with your being, you’ll discover that the tone of your life takes on deeper, more thoughtful and intentional pathways to doing.  (Consider the examples of Martha and Mary in Luke 10:38-42 –and the ‘feedback’ the Lord gave in response to each.)

Let’s determine to focus on the greater–and become free to simply be.






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