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Little Things Mean A Lot

For the world, the focus is always on the "Big Enchilada", and things of lesser magnitude are often overlooked. However, in God's system of doing things: little things do mean a lot.

God is very concerned about the seemingly insignificant things that make up "everyday life". Because you see, it's these things that define who we truly are--our character, morals, value system and overall nature.

This truth applies in the areas of both good and bad. So often we mistakenly think that "little things" like a bad attitude, or a little white lie don't matter much to God.

But the truth is that THEY DO MATTER!

The bible says that it's the little foxes that spoil the vine. These "little" things can affect your relationship with God and others and ultimately hinder God's ability to prosper you as He desires. We must be people of integrity. We must raise our standards in these last days.

As well as applying to bad things, this principle is just as true in the area of good. God's system says "Be faithful to that which is least and I'll make you ruler over much". It's a kingdom law and it works. Our response to the "little things" that God may ask us to do can determine how much more He can bless us with and entrust to our care. Little things like calling a sister or brother in the Lord to encourage them or putting your cart back in the appropriate place at the grocery store, instead of leaving it in another space or on the curb, can mean the difference between achieving greatness in God or remaining average.

Do you desire a greater anointing for some area of your life? More success, money, favor, etc.? Then make sure to prove to God that you qualify for the "BIG" things because you have been faithful over the little things. Because after all, little things really do mean a lot.

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